Please continue to read comments Jones K. Garbla
Du bist zwischen 18 und 28 Jahre alt und willst, was du kannst, an Menschen weitergeben, die sich sehr darüber freuen! Dann könnte dir der Schüleraustausch des Liberiaprojekts gefallen.
Die nächste Reise geht von München nach Monrovia.
Für 14 Tage verbringst du Schul- Arbeits- und Freizeit mit Gleichaltrigen. Stolz werden sie dir ihr Land zeigen – du kannst entdecken, was hier komplett viel freier ist als zu Hause, aber auch, welche Zwänge herrschen und wie Leute, die dir eigentlich ganz ähnlich sind, aufgrund der Umstände ganz anders denken.
Die Kommunikation ist Englisch und die Sprache keine Barriere. Der Humor aber und vieles andere sind völlig verschieden von zu Hause.
Wenn du dich in einer kleinen Gruppe auf diese Reise vorbereiten möchtest, werde Mitglied. Dein Beitrag ist nur 8 Euro/Jahr.
… Milestones, grouping our Lives

Deutschland-Liberia, Liberia-Deutschland
Bryce Williams 2019: Was ich hier oben auf der Zugspitze fühle ist Freiheit. Aber so ein Gefühl gibt es bei uns auch: Da werden wir zusammen hinfahren. Ich freue mich schon!
What I feel up here on the Zugspitze is freedom. But we also have that feeling: we will go there together. I’m looking forward to!
Kultur ist unsere zweite Natur – ohne sie geht nichts, weil nur sie uns zeigt, wie Zusammenleben geht.
Unsere globale Kultur ist unsere dritte Natur. Wir erwerben sie uns in einem lebenslangen, grenzüberschreitenden Lernprozess.
Culture is our second nature – nothing works without. It had been there from the first family on earth. Culture is our knowledge of coexistence and solidarity.
Intercultural and global culture has come to life from our very first beginnings, because humanity has always been very divers. Culture teaches us, how to live in non-violent but divers peace. Global Learning is a neverending life-long across borders learning-process.
We are on our way: Join us!
Some milestones grouping my lifetime
by Emmanuel A. Williams, c/o Liaoning-University, China
My name is Emmanuel Adebayor Williams, I am a Liberian, born and raised in Liberia. In 2014, I met Rev. Fr. Johnny-Clement Kombo who recommended me to a friend named Wolfgang Fischer from Germany who helped me with my schooling both financially and morally on a private base.
Rev. Father Johnny is the Coordinator in the Board of a Liberian Nonprofit Organization called “From Street to School, inc”. They target mainly academic education but go also for workshops on global learning and empowering experiences.
Liberians meet with other young people and those who have the means to help in the Liberiaprojekt, which provides financial, moral and instructive support for our genuine Liberian plans on development.

The Education system in Liberia have caused lot of students not to take education very seriously in that, the facilities are poor, but the tuitions are high. The system doesn’t see the need of discussing issues of development with young people instead they promote politics which caused tribalism and painful differences.
As a student studying in Liberia at a young age, I faced lots of challenges both financial and moral in that; at one point in time I had to quit school because of lacking financial aid, but there’s a saying that says “Success is when preparation meets opportunity“. I stayed a lot with Father Johnny at that time, when Mr. Fischer appeared.
Retrospectively I ever was prepared to face the challenges and when my opportunity came, I was the right candidate for it. Now I’m an International student studying Computer Science and Technology at Liaoning University of Technology in Jinzhou, China. We are about 20 Liberian students there on Chinese Scholarship.

The foundation of From Street to School was only in 2016 although people working there have been experienced from 2002, when the Munich Pestalozzi-Students embarked as “Pro Liberia” on their long journey for more justice and a better life for former child-soldiers.
From Street to School is currently sponsoring over 50 high school students in Liberia which is a clear indication of building a better future for youths.
In 2014 during the heat of the Ebola crisis in Liberia, From Street to School organized a study session for children in different parts of Monrovia in Liberia, which was a means of help students keep focused.
The organization also organize Essay Writing Competition as part of its goal of better learning and evaluation of students and subsequently has been prompting herself into vivid development.
I believe, that once the Education System is built, there’s more to achieve. Therefore, the politics and painful differences shouldn’t separate the love we should share and care we should give for each other’s benefit.