Nach 12 Schuljahren – manchmal geht es viel schneller, manchmal etwas langsamer – in denen wir die Absolventen unterstützt haben, starten sie in ihr neues Leben. Helft ihr Ihnen? – Dann unterstützt uns mit einer Spende – as much as you can pay – …..
Bankverbindung: From Street to School und Globales Lernen e.V. Stadtsparkasse München IBAN: DE12 7015 0000 0905 2449 84 BIC: SSKMDEMM
Mit deinem Mitglieds- (und Spenden)beitrag unterstützt du Aktivitäten auf drei verschiedenen Ebenen:
1. Ich unterstütze die karitativen und pädagogischen Aktivitäten des liberianischen eingetragenen und gemeinnützigen Vereins „From Street to School, inc“. Zum einen wird einer Zahl von mehr als 50 Kindern und Jugendlichen der regelmäßige Besuch einer Schule ermöglicht. Zum anderen wird sichergestellt, dass die erreichten Schulabschlüsse den jungen Erwachsenen eine Lebensperspektive in ihrem Land ermöglichen. Um dies zu gewährleisten, werden die Kinder und Jugendlichen mit Bedacht nach sozialen und psychologischen Kriterien ausgewählt. Die Kontaktaufnahme zu Engagierten und Geförderten in dem liberianischen Verein ist erwünscht.
2. Der Schulbesuch wird durch außerschulische Bildungsangebote wie Workshops ergänzt. Hier engagieren sich ehemalige Schüler*innen ehrenamtlich.
3. Du trägst mit deinem Mitgliedsbeitrag zur interkulturellen Kommunikation und zur politischen Bildung im Sinne von Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung bei. Dazu kooperieren Aktive aus verschiedenen Einrichtungen im Großraum München miteinander. Das Ziel sind gemeinsame Aktionen und Workshops zu Themen des Globalen Lernens und gegenseitige Besuchsreisen.
Der Mitgliedsbeitrag für junge Erwachsene beträgt nur 20% des normalen Beitrags, nämlich 8 €/Jahr. Denn diejenigen, die nach Liberia reisen oder nach Deutschland kommen, werden Schülerinnen und Schüler nach ihrem Schulabschluss sein. Es geht ganz einfach: Antrag ausfüllen und im Schülersekretariat abgeben.
Wissen braucht Anwendung, wenn es Bedeutung haben soll. Das kostet Zeit zum Üben und braucht Motivation zum Gestalten. In München geht das großteils in der Schule. Und dennoch fehlt allzu oft die Verbindung zum Handeln.
In Liberia braucht es viel mehr Selbstorganisation, um ein gutes Niveau hinzubekommen. Lesen Sie den Bericht von 2023/24 und helfen Sie mit, dass die 9 Absolventen die ihre Schullaufbahn in diesem Jahr abschließen, nun beginnen können, ihr Erwachsenenleben zu gestalten. Vielleicht kommt ja der eine oder die andere zum Schüleraustausch nach München!
Jedes Jahr lädt unser Vorstand alle Mitglieder des Vereins ein, über die Zukunft zu entscheiden.
am 12. Juni 2024 fühlten wir uns
angekommen bei uns selbst in einer in jeder Beziehung diversen Gruppe
auf Augenhöhe mit Johnny, Joe, Varney, Ben, Gbour, Jig, Mary und Bryce, mit denen wir dieselben Ziele verfolgen und über deren wunderbare Post wir uns sehr gefreut haben
Wir sehen uns, jeder in seinem eigenen Schuhwerk – wie auf unserer Karte gezeigt – als realistische Visionäre
am 12. Juni 2024 haben wir gewählt
unseren neuen Vorstand: Hannah, Fritznel und Kenny
Sponsored students and friends do care for language based discours and discussion on ecowas radio. The message is being sent all over through radio garden.
As collaborating is not quite the same as cooperating all the participants find themselves in flat and volatile hierarchy to those who got the best ideas. Meanwhile we have established a rich system of responsibilities, tasks and roles.
Harsh and successful demontrations have been reported recently from Liberia’s women. Were they informed and constructiv or are they dominated by social-media-recklessness?
How Liberia’s Soldiers‘ Wives Overthrow the Minister of Defense
February 15, 2024, 3:34 p.m. (Süddeutsche Zeitung)
The transfer of power to the new government has been successful (elections in Oct. 2023), but the Minister of Defence is forced to resign after persistent protests. He seems to have made the wrong enemies.
By Paul Munzinger, Cape Town (translated and shortened)
Opposition to Johnson came from within his own ranks. But it was not the officers who led the mutiny against the minister, it was their wives. Over the weekend, they organized nationwide protests and blocked important traffic arteries in the country of five million inhabitants on the Atlantic, such as the highway to the airport in the capital Monrovia. The women had taken the country hostage, a newspaper wrote Pictures show simple but apparently effective roadblocks made of car tires, wooden boards and plastic chairs. Liberian media reported traffic jams that were so long that some drivers left their cars to continue on foot. The annual celebration in honor of the army has been canceled. The women, one newspaper wrote, had taken the country hostage for a day. They reportedly had pots and pans with them to cook on the spot and not have to leave their posts.
The protests against Prince Charles Johnson III had already begun before his appointment, but had not been able to prevent them. As a result, the demonstrators demanded his removal and proceeded to blockade. The list of allegations against Johnson is long, relating to his time as chief of staff between 2018 and 2024. Among other things, he is accused of autocratic administration and corruption. … After two decades of murderous civil war and a devastating Ebola epidemic, Liberia had recently made positive headlines due to a peaceful transfer of power. Boakai won last year’s presidential election against incumbent George Weah, who immediately acknowledged his defeat despite a historically close result. On Tuesday, Boakai appointed Johnson’s successor, a former brigadier general named Geraldine George. This is the first time in Liberia’s history that a woman has headed the Ministry of Defence.
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I think, there is more to meet the eye
The women complaint that their husbands were not well treated while Johnson staired the AFL (Armed Forces of Liberia) as chief of staff. And as defence minister things will go from bad to worse. They complained of army benefits, health insurance, housing among others. With such pressure he was asked to resign. Wives of Liberian soldiers/AFL set up roadblocks near the capital Monrovia and elsewhere in the country. This forced Boakai (the president) to cancel planned National Army Day celebrations on Monday. This appears first of its kind. The women were placing multiple grievances – low salaries, pensions, lack of social security, electricity shortages, poor housing facilities, corruption within the armed forces, etc. .
They also demanded the defense minister’s resignation blaming for a reduction in the salaries of Liberian soldiers returning from peace missions in Mali.
The first roadblock was assembled on Saturday on the outskirts of Monrovia near the Edward Binyah Kessely barracks on the road leading to the international airport. Others followed on Sunday February 11 and Monday 12 February respectively.
I think, there is more to meet the eye. JCK, Monrovia. FSTS
More people have started to accept compexity
Social media allows people to communicate directly in real-time. Messengers are involved when spontaneous gatherings and protests are organized.
For many participants in ralleys and demonstrations, this feels like real democracy. It’s easy to feel right when you’re part of a large crowd.
In 2011, a broad wave of protests dubbed the Arab Spring swept the countries of North Africa and the Middle East. Since the fall of 2014, the right-wing racist mob has been marching through East German cities under the name Pegida. Even a political party in the German Bundestag joined the vicious insults against the government, war refugees and migrants. On January 6, 2021, Donald Trump, who had just been voted out of office, encouraged his supporters to storm the Capitol. In mid-2020, extensive desinformation-campaigns began on Telegram. The Bavarian Prime Minister was the first to push for schools to be closed because of the pandemic – after all, all other federal states followed suit. After the failure of the Sputnik vaccine, Russian propaganda increased and, at the same time, more and more people no longer felt well represented in the public media.
Anyone who spread fake news (bots and people) insulted the reputable press as a „lying press“. This spoilt our citizenship until 25.11.2023. This day investigative journalists were undercover at a meeting of ultra-right-Identitarians. Citizens were shocked by names of participants and topics. Although our constitution (Grundgesetz) obliges every state organ to protect the dignity of all human beings, it was claimed that Germany could only be saved from its downfall if millions of people were expelled.
Now we are all on the streets defending democracy.
Democracy is a matter of being informed, a matter of goodwill, interest and tolerance. Democracy is about the future, individual rights, and compensation and protection for the weaker members of society.
Democracy is the rule of law – but not the rule of the street. Democracy is not what the people, the bots and trolls are doing on TicToc, Telegram and other platforms. It’s a question of creativity and solidarity and decisions which will help all. Interests of everyone count.
Liberia’s women once ended the war. The civil movement from the street helped to create parliament and first steps to future. 20 years leater women are on the street to change personal of government and succeed.
It’s wonderful and scary at the same time.
AS, Germering, FSTS-GL
Some Tourist-Information for those who do not yet know, that it is worth to love reality and adapt your dreams to it.
Global Learning means factfulness. But nevertheless we accept all the grey and pink areas in our mindsets. We love literature for the embedded information. We do gardening because we know that mankind is part of nature. We love spirituality but keep ourselves away from violence and discrimination.
Learn from Julius K.Kanubah, the Liberiaprojekt in Munich and in Monrovia and listen to the famous story teller, teacher and author Michael Jentzsch.
Why do we attend school?
We want to become a doctor, an entrepeneur, a banker, we want to be at any place, said to be a jumping board into a pool of richness and happyness. Really, do you want to continue such a long time in boring school-room-settings while pempering your unrealistic dreams? Did you ever think about using your lifetime for education? Is there anyone in your life who might profit from your instructions? Do you learn for life? And what do you take home to your parents and grandparents to make them love education?
What is education?
Liberian schools pretty randomly offer good education. Good education is not so much expected, when there is no food at home, no silent space for homework, always noisy background and a lot to work on to get the bucks for elemetary stuff.
Voice of the Voiceless the platform for self organized education-programs, is part of the Liberiaprojekt. All the mentorschip program is about:
…. offering „skills to young people. These skills can be taken to there homes, future and even in their schools. The skills are tye and dye, klorax making, soap making, make up, interior decoration, catering, computer, tailoring, public speaking, creative writing – such as poetry, drama and prose – hair braiding, cucette, cultural dance and agriculture. All these just for our generation because the future of our nation depends on the present progress of it’s youth. The Voice of the Voiceless.„
Auch im Jahr 2024 trifft sich der geschäftsführende Vorstand jeden Montag um 15.30. Da wir bisweilen Vororttermine haben und manchmal so wenig Zeit, dass wir uns nur kurz Online zusammenfinden, melden Sie sich bei Interesse bitte informell, aber mit einer Kontaktnummer/Email bis zum Freitag der Vorwoche unter der Email-Adresse:
Some people carry big lies all through their lifetime. Jones is one of our permanent volonteers in their twenties. He carries a big dream through all his life.
He is the author of songs and poems, he had been performing our contribution to the one-world-song-competition of the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development.
He calls himself a feminist and just finished his first theatre play.
Read here and feel free to get in contact with the author
They appear all like general introductions. But they mean more due to our context of From Street to School und Globales Lernen. If you read carefully you’d have kind of personal encounter, a kick-off for a PenPal-Relation or the first steps on a crossroads in your life, which you didn’t expect there.
October 2023
For contact or own contributions go to:
My name is Emmanuel Adebayor Williams, I’m a Liberian born on October 1, 1997 in Monrovia. I’ve lived most of my life in Liberia until 2019 when I took on a journey to pursue a BSc degree at Liaoning University of Technology in Jinzhou City, Northeast China. I moved to China in 2019 without no idea of the culture and language of China.
I took on the adventure and flew to China to study Computer Science and Technology. I didn’t understand nor speak the language of the people.
This was a very huge challenge for me, the food taste different, the language is different and every other thing seems so differently in my eyes.
After arriving at the university, I met some new people from different countries but I felt a bit relief when I saw people from Africa and even some friends I knew while in Liberia also attended this university. I started to make friends and see if I could get used to the environment so I became friends with some classmates from Congo, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Kenya and host of other nationalities including Liberians.
Interestingly, I started to get familiar with environment but I still felt that something was missing which was making use of the opportunities around me by learning Chinese language and cultures. I began making new friends again but this time, it was Chinese friends.
Since I’m good at communicating with friends, it was not a difficult one for me but the problem was the language barrier. In September of 2019, I took on the challenge to study Chinese language even more than what I was thought in the classroom.
I became friends with many Chinese students; we played sports together, eat and visited the library together. I visited the library everyday learning Chinese mandarin and I learned about 60 Chinese characters a month while practicing basic sentences. I found it more interesting and because I put in a lot of efforts, my Chinese speaking improved.
I started to use the local services by ordering food and merchandise online communicating with the delivery services. After a year, I could communicate with my Chinese friends and also communicate with other locals.
After learning basic communication skills, my mind and perspectives changed even though it still felt like I’m away from home but one thing I noticed is that when you interact with more people especially people from different countries, it opens your mind to different perspectives.
After my BSc degree study, I plan to continue with masters degree but due to some challenging factors, I was late for the admission so I decided to find a job and work for sometime while awaiting the opening of another admission.
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