
From Street to School und Globales Lernen e.V., München

Call for Action – Online – Exhibition 2024

Empowerment creates security

Liberian children very often grow up in unpredictable dangers.

This is why they really need care and security, someone listening and knowing what’s possible. Role models are rare.

Freedom is to recognize your choice. All humans are free – but some of them have been learning, that life is made from one-way-streets and undestroyable moral- and tradition- walls that are unsuperable — especially for you!

German children very often grow up in overprotection.

Parents are named Helicopter-Parents and their childhood is dedicated to nice performance, filled timetables with leisure activity-slots and a big lie about happiness and identity.

Freedom is to recognize your choice. All humans are free – but some of them have been learning, that life is made from stories. Those stories tell about eternal power, freedom, justice and beauty. It’s all a gift — especially for you!

But neither is true. German children very often grow up in unpredictable dangers. Liberian children very often grow up in overprotection — and vice versa 😉

Whatch the new video by Voice of the Voiceless –

What’s the meaning of „Check in and help out“?

What’s your comment on this issue?

Imagine a wonderful world for children to become strong young adults. What’s different then in comparison to nowadays?

Draw an impressing painting with watercolors and pencils. Size: 20×20

All those who want to compete with others take a photo of the finished picture and send it to

All paintings will be published before christmas and (if we can manage) will be awarded.

Closing day is November 30 2024.