
From Street to School und Globales Lernen e.V., München




Voice of the Voiceless and From Street to School were honored in St Teresa Convent, Monrovia. St Teresa is a catholic all girls school that provides a guest house that hosted travelers from Pestalozzi-Gymnasium time to time. The students emerged with standing ovations when the 75,000 Liberian Dollars Cash-Prize was handed over. VoV ran the program and the cash was a donation from ECOWAS. (The Economic Community of West African States is a regional political (rule of law, human rights) and economic union of fifteen countries of West Africa. Collectively, the countries comprise an area of 5,114,162 km2 (1,974,589 sq mi) and have an estimated population of over 424.34 million. (Wikipedia)).

Find Joe Gbeie and Father Johnny in the second row, monitoring and representing the winners of professional discussion. Date: Sept. 4/2024

Margif-Center, Monrovia

Agriculture and Gardening make for food supply, social experience and fundamental knowledge about our planet’s nature. Gardening is a special kind of sustainable work that links mankind with nature – mayor surpises meet mayor frustrations. Let’s talk about and make it part of our culture!

I am part of but at the same time myself. Nature and all my dependencies give me ideas of myself I never had before.

No Gym no more.

The truth is rarely obvious. An empty and meaningless place may hold the key information. Patience first!

Call it work. It is more than working. It is giving life to some unique creature. It’s global learning.

There had been only seeds. Some of them already home-grown. Protection, care and diligence are basics.

It is a kind of contemplation that gives you back some of your integrity lost in speedy everyday issues.

Person to recognize for organizing, monitoring and supervision: Varney Koibley.

Old days memories ……

Sand-Mining, Human-Traffiking, Drugs, Prostitution and teenage pregnancy raise as hope dissolves. Hope needs reliable social ties.

Neighbourhood. There are many arguments to support public schooling. Tutoring and workshops, talks with teachers and parents make the difference for challenged students.

From Street to School gives support to girls who are in danger, just because they are born in a very poor environment, with parents not available and often lacking ability of functional reading and learning skills. High addiction and small range possible decisions tie the families together.

Traditional Poro and Sande, Jitsu and general animistic traditions accuse women of sorcery. Girls may still disappear nowhere. Traditional society-rules make the majority besides monotheistic religions and academic learnings. Can you trust individual human rights? We think: Yes you can! And you should! – to give every single a voice of love in the choir of all.